User Guide

Welcome to PandaBot’s User Guide. PandaBot is a desktop application for managing the tasks that you have.

This guide aims to get you familiar with the features of PandaBot.


Exit the PandaBot Application: bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

List all tasks recorded: list

Shows a list of all the tasks that you have given.

Format: list

Help page: help

Presents a help page that contains all the available commands that you can use.

Format: help

Delete a task: delete

Deletes a specified task, according to its task number in the task list.

Format: delete NUMBER, where NUMBER refers to its task number in the task list

Example Use: delete 1

Complete a task: done

Marks a specified task, according to its task number in the task list, as done.

Format: done NUMBER, where NUMBER refers to its task number in the task list

Example Use: done 1

Find a list of tasks using a keyword: find

Presents a list of tasks with description that contains the keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

Example Use: find CS2103T

Add a Deadline task: deadline

Adds a Deadline task to the list of tasks. These are tasks that have to be done by a certain time.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by TIME

Example Use:

Add a DoAfter task: do

Adds a DoAfter task to the list of tasks. These are tasks that have to done after a certain time or task.

Format: do DESCRIPTION /after TIME or TASK

Example Use:

Add an Event task: event

Adds an Event task to the list of tasks. These are tasks that occur at a certain time.

Format: event DESCRIPTION /at TIME

Example Use:

Add a ToDo task: todo

Adds a ToDo task to the list of tasks. These are tasks that are not time-based.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION

Example Use: todo Revision for CS2100 midterms


Formatted TIME in the form of dd/MM/yyyy HHmm will be displayed in a new format after processing by PandaBot. If TIME is not formatted as such, PandaBot will just record the given input as is.